It was for a 10 month old who is getting her pictures taken. This is the finished product. I'm pretty proud. I think it's pretty darn cute and I'm hoping they will pass the word around so that I can get some more interest. Word of mouth is the best sales tool right?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
It was for a 10 month old who is getting her pictures taken. This is the finished product. I'm pretty proud. I think it's pretty darn cute and I'm hoping they will pass the word around so that I can get some more interest. Word of mouth is the best sales tool right?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Magic Mix- premade white sauce
So, when I found this little trick on Everyday Food Storage- I was pretty excited to try it out.
She calls it Magic Mix. I'll be honest- I havn't actually tried it yet but I made it today and I plan on using it with dinner tonight.
2 1/3 cup powdered milk
1 cup all purpose flour (she says it has to be all purpose)
1 cup margarine or butter (2 sticks- NOT spread)
Now, on her site she said to have the butter at room temperature but I had some trouble with my mix being too soft . You should be able to just mix it up and it will end up being kind of a corn meal texture.
Mine turned into a dough instead so I put it back in the freezer for a little bit then threw it into my food processor to break it down to the powder.
I had some fun with it- I even modge-podged an empty baby cereal container to keep it in.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Card Swap Decision
The theme: Special Occasion (so the card I made before wouldn't work)
The # of girls- 16! I needed a card that was fairly quick to make
Here's what I've come up with so far.
I wanted to make a fairly generic card- one that could be used for lots of different occasions because I'm not too very confident in my card making skills yet and I didn't want them stuck with an ugly Father's day card that they would never use. This way- they can congratulate someone they may not know very well if it's not their favorite card.
The decision I need to make now is
Ladybug or No Ladybug
What do you think?
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Dessert
I'm going to have to start making my own. I actually did find a recipie for premaking a baking mix. I think it's a great idea and I'll have to post it here but for now- just substitue what ever baking mix you prefer.
2 1/3 cup "baking mix" aka Bisquick
1/2 cup milk
3 Tbsp sugar
3 Tbsp butter or margarine
Mix everything into a soft dough. Then spoon it out onto an ungreased pan. The instructions I have say to do 6 spoonfuls. Usually we just put it into a 9x9 square pan as one big cake. This time though, I borrowed a cookie cutter from a friend and formed individual heart shaped cakes.
Preheat oven to 450 and cook 10 minutes or until browned-
Now, I always have to have some sort of "duh" moment in my cooking- you'll get to know that. This one: make sure the oven is completely heated BEFORE putting the cakes in. Otherwise you'll burn the bottoms.
Yes, our bottoms were burned. (lol!!)
Finally, top with sugared strawberries and whipped cream- YUM!!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I know- I am the mother of one BOY- still, a girl has got to get some frills in sometime right?
Then I can live vicariously through them.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Card Swap
Now, me and creativity don't really mesh too well. On the other hand, me and copy cat-ing are actually quite good pals. SO, this is actually a bit of a stretch for me.
I'm going out of my comfort zone. I'm trying to make new friends, I'm creating something of my own. Eeeeek! I'm out on a limb so I need some reassurance.
Here is my first idea for my card
What do you think? (if there really are people who look at this thing)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Stuffed Crust Pizza
After risen, shmoosh the dough into the pan and arrange long pieces of mozzarella cheese around the edge. The original recipie I found said to use string cheese. I just didn't have any on hand.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Dessert Failure!
P.S. this pic is before the cocoa was added. The one with the cocoa showed too much of my dirty stovetop and I want to all to think I'm perfect. (ha ha ha- laughing histerically)
Then add the oats, peanut butter, and vanilla.
*again the vanilla shot showed my stovetop. yuk!
Mix well and drop onto waxed paper or a greased cookie sheet.
Ummm.....considering these "cookies" actually needed to be eaten with a SPOON! I don't think it worked right.
Still, I refused to give up. I hopped on the internet and searched for a new recipie to see what I could have done wrong. I found one that called for 3 cups of oatmeal instead of 2. So I thought I would try to rescue the cookies.
I added some oatmeal.
Now it started to somwhat resemble the no-bake cookies in my memory.
See, no spoon required!
Sadly, they were only pretending to be no-bake cookies. The creamy gooeyness just wasn't there. They were powdery and crumbly. Now, I know it's not just me who has failed at these decievingly simple treats. I confirmed this same dilemma occured on multiple occasions for a friend of mine here in WI.
But WHY!!!!!!???!!!
Oh Dear....:::sigh:::
Alas, I was sorely disappointed last night and had to resort to a granola bar for my sweet fix. Maybe it's for the best considering I'm supposedly on a "diet".
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Fried Rice
So, for my first food post you will see just how simple my style of cooking is. Maybe as I continue the blog we will be able to branch out a bit but for now... Wha! La! This is a beginner's recipie blog FOR SURE!
The ingredients:
*RICE- of course
*Half cube of Butter or Oil- I tend to lean towards the butter side, always!
*Peas- preferrably frozen in available
*Scrambled eggs- about 4
*Cubed ham
*Any and all other crazy things happen to sound yummy at the time.. ex: sprouts, water chestnuts, green onions, etc. etc. etc.
I, unfortunately didn't have any of the optional ingredients, heck, I didn't even have frozen peas. SO, we do what we can right? That's the great thing about this recipie, you can always make it work with whatever happens to be on hand.
Step one- Cook the rice
If you are a super beginner cook like myself you will mix up the 2:1 ratio for the rice, end up with scorched rice and start over again. I don't recommend it because your hubby might have to call his mom to laugh about it at your expense. That's all right, it's all in good fun with "frydrys".
Step two- Add rice to melted butter and start to fry, adding ingredients as you see fit.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Serve with soy sauce and ENJOY!
P.S. I'm not lovin' the picture today. Canned peas not only lack the nice flavor of frozen, but they also lack color- makes for kind of a dull shot. Just pretend there are happy, bright green peas in there and it will look much more appetizing.
When I first married my husband seven years ago I had ZERO I mean ZERO skill in the kitchen. I was known to burn everything- including just plain water. I was also quoted to have said "you can make pancakes without bisquik?" and will never live it down. However, now that I have 2 mouths to feed in addition to my own, my own kitchen and a computer full of cooking tips I am ready to tame the beast of Man's hunger.
We do face some dietary ristrictions that have become a challenge to cooking so this will be an adventure. For those of you who visit this blog you may notice a lack of onions, peppers, pinapple, and a few otherwise widely used ingredients. Just so you know, it's on purpose.
SO, without further adieu- WELCOME and Enjoy!